Product Development Services

Product Development is the full range of processes a business uses to conceptualise, create, and introduce a product to the market.

What is Product Development?

Product Development is the full range of processes a business uses to conceptualise, create, and introduce a product to the market. It is the capacity that enables a business to develop product concepts and convey them to customers reliably and predictably. Check out our information about product development consultancy if you want to enhance your development. A typical product development cycle includes:


Ideation in close cooperation with the clients. Product development starts with an idea, whether it is from a brainstorming session for new products, a customer recommendation, or a directive from a senior manager.

Market analysis

Analysis and commercialization initiatives to choose a marketing plan. A business study shows the product's viability in the market. It confirms that the proposed product concept has the appropriate features and costs to capture market share in the intended niche.


A product plan activity. This is frequently iterative and done with consumer input. In some fields, the term "prototype" may refer to a set of production procedures or a recipe for a novel product. After that, product designs are further validated, perhaps to enhance the user interface.

Product Modernization

Any outdated software, technology, or approach/language that an organisation uses is referred to as a legacy system. Even while a legacy application may still be used and may even be crucial to the organisation, it comes with a whole host of problems due to the technology, structure, or functionality that hinder the business (worth, agility, fit) or IT (cost, complexity, or risk).

On a granular legal, applications become legacy systems when they start to host these common challenges :

  • Tough to maintain or update, increasing IT costs in both time and staff.
  • Code bloat or hacked integrations can lead to routine issues, variability, or bottlenecks in scaling.
  • Code bloat in huge apps or undocumented code elements makes it difficult for new IT staff.
  • Third-party elements of the application may no longer be maintained.
  • The application may not relate with latest systems.
  • The system is no longer agile to developing customer needs.
  • Potential security or agreement risks.

Why Modernize
Legacy Applications?

While agility has always been an importance in IT, systems designed past 5 to 10 Years. could not imagine today’s technology changes or competitive landscape.

Even though many legacy systems are essential for business operations, IT managers and executives eventually need to weigh the expense of sustaining a legacy system against the cost of a more modern technology, and migration of application modernization.

Additionally, the decision regarding the modernization of old systems must include factors other than cost, such as the strategic value of modern applications.

Product Testing

Software quality can be tough to determine. That's because each person involved can define quality in a different way. An array of perspectives, from dissimilar stakeholders and entities, may determine software quality in terms of how it fits with their own requirements, expectations, and standard

Quality Assurance (QA) is a general practice to ensure that the product of any Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) conforms to the generally agreed upon and scope-agreed expectations.

We will consider the basics of quality assurance (QA) and its role in software testing.

Our Quality Assurance Practices

Automated tests

Automating tests that are repetitive and need minimal manual intervention increases your speed, agility, and productivity.

Shift left

Ensure that software defects are identified at high-speed and early—shifting left—during the SDLC life cycle.

Gather feedback

End-user and stakeholder feedback should drive nonstop improvements to your QA strategy.

Test with purpose

Ensure that testing resources are used in significant ways and follow the code deployment structure of the Software Development Lifecycle.

Embed security

Introduce security-related test cases as a measurement of the shift left testing strategy into software quality from the beginning.

Automate carefully

Automating a waste process will only lead to more waste processes.

Incorporate human skills

Automation and continuous improvement don’t always work well together to meet DevOps QA goals. For instance, human intervention may be necessary as part of an effective QA strategy in DevOps, compromising the continuous testing practice inspired by automation.

Keep the customer first

Finally, a DevOps QA must keep the user’s view of software quality at the forefront of all QA activities.

Product Support and Maintenance

Rubus software maintenance services help throughout the product lifecycle, including performance monitoring, analysis and testing, incident and patch management configuration, and enhancements. They function at the interface of automation, analytics, DevOps, cloud, and agile. We strive to increase operational effectiveness, scalability, stability, and flexibility while lowering the total cost of ownership.

Support and Maintenance

Our Offerings

Time-Tested and Industry-Leading Software Product Maintenance

Product Maintenance and Support

Improvements and Optimization

Product Security Management

Reasons to choose Rubus for Software Maintenance Services

Enabling business and ISVs to maintain and manage their software product ranges efficiently and effectively

Experts with experience and certification in legacy and developing technologies using software product support services to ensure product availability and reliability Premium affiliations with Salesforce, Google, AWS, Microsoft, and more. Customized service packages backed by upkeep and assistance. A team of more than 1800 people spread across the US, UK, Luxembourg, Australia, and India.

Why should I select for software maintenance and support services?

For a commercial or an ISV, a slight fault in their software product can cost an arm and leg to the status and overall business. Having a dependable software maintenance partner confirms that the product is working as needed, without any malfunctions. In addition to it, these partners support adding features and functions to keep the products applicable.

How much do software maintenance services cost?

The basic cost estimate for these software product maintenance services depends entirely on the scope of the project, which includes the product created, complexity, size, and platform.

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